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Showing posts from 2018

VEGAN ON A BUDGET?! - 5 tips for saving money on food

"A vegan diet is too expensive. Too expensive for you .  You won't be able to maintain it  – don't even bother!" Is that what keeps repeating in your head whenever you think about going vegan ? Not surprising: most people consider veganism to be a diet for the rich. But it's time to deconstruct that belief. I'm the type of person who likes to save money and make good deals, even when it comes to food.  As a student, I'm living on a limited budget anyway and simply can't – and don't want to - spend it all on food. I went vegan when I was still living with my family, and money was always a big topic. But I proved them wrong:  Here are some general rules and tips you can stick to in order to eat vegan on a budget!  These might be helpful too if you're not even interested in veganism and just need to learn the basics of attaining (cheap) food. 1. Cheap staple foods Many of the vegan staple foods are simul...

REVIEW: Colour Freedom's "Crimson Red" vegan dye on virgin hair

Wie bitte? Ja, ihr seht richtig. Ich bin jetzt Pink. Und zu dieser Farbexplosion hat mir eine der auswaschbaren Haartönungen der Marke Knight&Wilson verholfen, die ich heute reviewen möchte. What?! Yes, your eyes are not betraying you. I'm pink now! A temporary hairdye by the brand Knight&Wilson has helped me to achieve this explosion of color, and today I want to review this product and give you my thoughts on it.

HOW2: 5 little ways to improve the quality of life

If I see a lot of negativity going on in the world (or our beloved parallel-universe, the internet), I feel like I need to counteract it. You don't have to turn your life around 180 degrees to improve it. These are 5 mellow and easy ways that I discovered for myself  - maybe they can make you feel better, too!

HAUL JAN'18: Thrifted x New

It's time for another show-off of materialized coolness! But I have to warn you - my recent shopping trips of last month haven't only taken place in thrift-stores. After months of buying secondhand-only, this haul features thrifted items as well as new ones. I hope you enjoy (regardless)!

#CONSTRUCTIONCORE - Analysis of the current internet-fashion

[English - only this time!] Berets, puffer jackets, metallic chains, stripes and checkerboard-patterns - you think these don't go together at all? Well, they really don't - but that is what makes it intriguing. The fashion-universe came up with a really special style-genre lately, and it baffled me of how many different influences it's constructed. One of which I thought the world wasn't ready for . . . So what is #CONSTRUCTIONCORE, and what is it made of?

HOW2: Styling sweaters ✖ 3 different ways

Es ist verdammt kalt draußen. Naja, zumindest hoffe ich dass dies der Fall ist, wenn du diesen Blogpost liest. Denn ich habe mir mal 3 verschiedene Outfits überlegt, die kuschelige Pullover als Key-Pieces beinhalten. Lust auf Inspiration für den "Undercover-Gammel"-Look? Guckste hier: It's incredibly cold outside. At least I hope that it is when you're reading this blogost. Because I put together 3 different outfits - and they have comfy, warm sweaters as their key-piece. Want some inspiration for the "undercover-lazyness"-look? Then you might as well look at this: