Es ist verdammt kalt draußen. Naja, zumindest hoffe ich dass dies der Fall ist, wenn du diesen Blogpost liest. Denn ich habe mir mal 3 verschiedene Outfits überlegt, die kuschelige Pullover als Key-Pieces beinhalten. Lust auf Inspiration für den "Undercover-Gammel"-Look? Guckste hier:
It's incredibly cold outside. At least I hope that it is when you're reading this blogost. Because I put together 3 different outfits - and they have comfy, warm sweaters as their key-piece. Want some inspiration for the "undercover-lazyness"-look? Then you might as well look at this:
Just to bring some transparency into this online-world: most of the optimistic smiles in he following pictures are faked. I was plagued by unpleasant period-cramps and felt bloated like a balloon. But that's ok, have fun with angry/ pessimistic/ sad and happy balloon-Maria ^^
dass ich an diesem Punkt angeben muss, aber hast du zuvor schonmal so
einen genialen Disney-Cord-Overall gesehen? Nein? Naja, er macht sich
zumindest super zu einem übergroßen Strick-Pulli mit skandinavischem
Muster! Die Latzhose habe ich auf Ebay ergattert, den Sweater im
Sozialen Kaufhaus. In der Winterzeit sind solche Läden voll mit
Opa-Pullovern, vielleicht bekommt ihr ja auch noch einen!
that I need to brag right now, but have you ever seen such an amazing
Disney-Corduroy-Overall before? No? Well, it definitely looks great with
a huge scandinavian-patterned, knitted sweater! I got the overall on
Ebay, the sweater in a charity shop. Maybe you can still catch one too,
thrift shops are full of these grandpa-sweaters in the winter times!
really adding the coolness-factor to this outfit are my "new" sneakers. I
got 'em on a german secondhand website called, and although I've
never been a sneaker-girl, I now understand humanity's obsession with
this type of footwear a bit better. Paired with an oversized scarf you'll definitely look like a typical university-student in the far (German) north :)
Sweater - secondhand, charity shop
Overall - Disney, secondhand on Ebay
Sneaker - secondhand,
Beige socks - Euroshop
Bracelets & earrings - old, family heirlooms
Scarf - old, h&m
Für dieses Outfit habe ich mal einen Unif-Sweater mit Print genutzt, der aus etwas dünnerem Material als die anderen besteht. Also mehr etwas für diejenigen, die nicht so auf Strick stehen oder es sportlicher mögen. Und was kombiniert man zu so einem Pullover?? Natürlich einen langen Trachten-Rock! "Häh?", denkst du dir jetzt sicher. Egal, das ist ja der Spaß an der Mode. Ich finde, diese Kombi schafft eine interessante Sillouette. Dior hat für die FW 17/18 Ready-to-wear Kollektion dasselbe gemacht, finde ich sehr cool.
For this outfit I've used a much thinner sweater with a graphic print, for those of you don't like knitwear so much or like to show off brands. And what do you naturally pair this sweater with? Yeah, a long traditional German "Trachten"-Skirt, duh! You're probably thinking, "why??" but honestly, that's the fun about fashion. I think this combination gives you a very interesting silhouette, with any long skirt that you use. Dior did a similar thing in their FW 17/18 Ready-to-Wear collection, which I find really cool.
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Auch hier musste ich einfach mein 2. Paar Sneaker von Ubup tragen. Diese Farbe, ich liebe sie. Und der Kontrast zu den Wollsocken....was soll ich sagen, Gegensätze ziehen mich eben an - im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes.
I had to pair with 2nd pair of secondhand-sneakers with this.This color is just amazing. And the contrast that creates the knitted-socks...what can I say. Opposites attract me
Sweater - Unif
Skirt - secondhand
Sneaker - secondhand @
Faux-Glasses - old, Primark
Earrings - old, h&m
Socks, bracelets - secondhand
Cord sieht natürlich im Winter echt süß aus, aber diese
Kombi passt zu Röcken jeglicher Materialien und Schnitte.
Perfekt, wenn man irgendwie chic und figur-betont aussehen möchte, aber
trotzdem keinen Bock auf einen BH für ein enges Oberteil hat. Unter dem
Pulli verschwindet eben alles (nicht dass es das müsste). Ich finde besonders den V-Neck
interessant, dies lässt sich super mit einer V-Halskette oder
Ohrringen aufgreifen.
already showed combinations including pants and a long skirt - so I
thought I'd now bring you the one that I wear the most often of 'em all. I
love wearing a shorter skirt with a
bulky sweater. People can see me wearing that almost everyday (if I go
outside that is ^^)
Corduroy looks the cutest during the cold season, but
obviously this style works with skirts in any material or shape. It's
perfect if you wanna have a chic and figure-hugging look, while still
wearing something that doesn't require a bra. This sweater hides
everything (not that we'd need to though). And the V-neckline is a nice
detail that you can pick up again with your choice of accessories, like a
V-shaped necklace or earrings.
Sweater - secondhand, charity shop
Skirt - "
Tights - super old, i think from h&m
Shoes - Doc Martens, secondhand via Ebay
V-Necklace - old, Primark
Brown necklace - Oxfam
Earrings -old, Primark
Faux-glasses - old, h&m
So das wär's erstmal, ich hoffe, dass heute ein wenig Inspiration für neue Outfits in diesen kalten, harten Zeiten liefern konnte. Hab keine Angst davor, einfach mal was anderes auzuprobieren. Reibe denen dein Recht auf Selbst-Bestimmung und hässliche Sweater gründlich unter die Nase!
I hope that I was able to give you some inspiration for new outfits during these cold, hard times!
As always, never be afraid of creating crazy combinations. Shove your right to self-expression and ugly sweaters into their faces!
Mein seltsamer Dutt und ich danken sehr fürs Vorbeischauen
// My weird bun and I thank you for stopping by!
// My weird bun and I thank you for stopping by!
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