If I see a lot of negativity going on in the world (or our beloved parallel-universe, the internet), I feel like I need to counteract it. You don't have to turn your life around 180 degrees to improve it. These are 5 mellow and easy ways that I discovered for myself - maybe they can make you feel better, too!
While I've had the idea for a blogpost like this for a while now, i'm writing this one very spontaneously, so bare with me. Some of these might be very random, but I hope you'll find something that suits your needs!

1. // FOOD: Some more veggie-variation
Usually, articles like this involve quotes like "buy organic" or "only eat bananas for a week". But don't worry, I'll spare you of that.
When it comes to food, I'm really good at the "not feeling guilty for eating unhealthy stuff food" - part. But I noticed that, in the long run, I didn't feel as good as I could. Especially my uterus is usually going mad at that time of the month if my diet is too bad. And by "bad" I simply mean: too one-sided. As awesome as carbs are, we shouldn't forget about those annoying, green, healthy...other things.
So I started looking for ways to include more fruits and veggies into my diet. The stigma that healthy food must be expensive repelled me at first. But I started shopping some veggies for a salad and fruits for a smoothie - and found that the number on my receipt really wasn't that enormous. If you stick to buying bigger amounts, primarily local ingredients and freezing unused fruit, you don't have to spend too much.
Now I almost can't go without having a salad every single day. I know, it's weird. The best thing: You don't have to cook anything!
- For salads, my favourite ingredient is red beet. As someone with a heavy period, some additonal iron can do wonders. Imake my standard-salad by adding lettuce, cucumber, tofu, walnuts, flax seeds and a standard oil dressing.
- For smoothies, I can't go without ginger. It makes me feel more energized and is supposed to be really good for your health, especially helping with period cramps. I make my standard smoothies by adding frozen spinach, frozen berries, bananas, plant milk and cinnamon. Sometimes canned mango or pineapple, if I feel fancy.


2. // SLEEP: A change of position
Great, I'm not the only one. Unfortunately, my back really doesn't like that. I'm very tall, and since puberty I've had back problems while sitting or walking. Being an exercise-lazy person doesn't help either. I can't tell you that you can solve your back pain solely by using the following tip, but it has helped me a lot. And that is...
Changing your sleeping-position!
I used to lay my head on a really thick pillow, making my neck bend in a really weird way for the entire duration of my sleep. Then I stumbled across Youtube-videos that recommend you to lay your back, completely flat on your mattress, and sleep that way. First I was offended by such a weird concept, but my desperation was greater, so I tried it.
It felt really weird at first, but when I got used to it, I woke up without a hurting neck in the morning! My spleen feels better overall and I almost look forward to lying down that way every night. So give yourself some time and try it too.

3.// BEGINNINGS: A morning routine
After you had a nice sleep, hopefully: here comes the standard No.1 tip of "make yourself feel better"- lists. But I don't want you to miss out on this, just because it's mainstream.
Some people say that they enjoy the structure a routine gives them every morning and just taking time for themselves. I totally agree, but even more than that, I think it's the type of activities that get me going (if i'm lucky) every morning:
I usually get up and make myself a tea (usually ginger+herbs). Warm beverages get your digestive system started.
I continue with putting on music and doing squats or just dancing through my room. If i don't do that, I feel very sleepy the entire day (might also be because I'm lounging in my sofa all the time, but hey)
Stretchy-time! I don't do yoga, I just stretch my body the way it feels good. One day, I want to be able to reach my toes :'-)
Can't leave the house without breakfast. If I have to leave the house early, I go with something quick, like oats or toast. But my favorite mornings are those when I have time to sip on a smoothie or eat a huge salad. Overall, it makes me feel safe knowing that I had something to eat when going outside. Because usually, I can't just go any buy vegan food at every corner. It can also safe you a lot of money to eat or at least prepare your food at home!
Obviously, you don't have to do all these things to have a nice morning. You also don't have to force yourself to do anything just for the sake of having a "routine". Just do what feels good to you!

4.// ART: Keep an art-diary
All my tumblr-art-hoes out there are shaking their head, because they probably already have one. But for all of those who don't: I really recommend you to start an art-diary! I'm not a talented artist, neither am I motivated to update that diary every single day (week, or month). But I love collecting little souvenirs, scraps, leafs or papers when I'm out somewhere on a day-trip. And I found that, by putting them onto a diary page, I'm able remember that day more vividly.
Especially in a time of Instagram-stories that are gone after 24h, we tend to just let days pass because we "documented" them online. I use Instagram as a diary too. Having an archive-account where I save all my old pictures (with dates, captions and everything), I know that it can be a great way of capturing your life.
But if you want to be a little more creative outside of the digital world, I recommend you to choose the analog version of instagram once in a while, and picture the good and the bad days in a little book. Here are some of my diary-pages:


5.// THOUGHT: A change of perspective
This is probably the tip that takes the most work of all the ones I've listed - and I'm talking internal work.
It's about changing your perspective on life and realizing that your beliefs are not set in stone.
I believe that everything humans do or experience on this planet, is to give each one of us a new perspective. As horrible as deaths of loved ones, mental illnesses and injustice make us feel - they always teach us something.
Experiencing those things is giving you a completely different perspective on life - nobody else can replicate it, nobody grew up exactly like you or holds the same context and thoughts. It's not your looks, your bank account or your job that make you special - it is your individual perspective what makes you truly unique. I wouldn't say "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" - but it definitely makes us become wiser and even more complex than we already are.
How are you supposed to open up your perspective by yourself? The answer is: never shy away from education. Read up on topics that have always bored or shocked you. Mentally step into the footsteps of women who produce clothing for the western world. Emphasize with animals on their way to the slaughterhouse. Look at people you dislike from many different standpoints. Recognize your own emotions and let yourself feel them, they're as valid as everyone else's. And actions will follow.
Ok, the last bit was deep! I hope my words provoked some thought and make you take some steps toward self-loving actions ☀
Thanks a lot for reading & until next time,
// P I C T U R E S O U R C E S //
bowl: https://giphy.com/stickers/animation-food-12iIbQTpDSCHpS
salad-head: https://giphy.com/gifs/saladforpresident-yes-win-3o7bualaeRBuHJ1J7O
fruits: https://giphy.com/stickers/food-o1Fg2HhkU8ywU
sleep: https://giphy.com/gifs/dream-sleep-cant-d2Z7wetTpiqlmjq8
bed: https://giphy.com/stickers/badblueprints-sleep-bed-BQgW9csICGJQA
sun: https://giphy.com/stickers/good-images-pictures-6CVvsul3Br9XW
diary: https://giphy.com/gifs/diary-146jMgMvI4iAes
body parts: https://giphy.com/gifs/loop-c4d-R9hvtLuSQy52
human after all: https://giphy.com/gifs/daft-punk-ESeLbWtZ62bAI
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